Full room of conference attendees watching a presentation on the big screen

Dr. Richard Neville and Dr. Bret Wiechmann join world-class team of vascular and endovascular course directors; patient perspectives to be shared.

MALVERN, Pa. (June 25, 2024) — Two leading experts are joining the world-class lineup of course directors for HMP Global’s 2024 Amputation Prevention Symposium, delivering an educational program that features patient perspectives and other new content as part of its “Setting the ExAMPle: Together We Stand Against CLI” focus.

AMP 2024 will be held August 14-17 in Chicago. Driven by a team of multidisciplinary course directors, AMP provides an unrivaled experience allowing endovascular and vascular specialists to gain knowledge on the latest advances in revascularization and explore groundbreaking techniques that will improve the future for critical limb ischemia (CLI) patients.

Two new course directors this year are Richard Neville, MD, FACS, DFSVS, and Bret Wiechmann, MD, FSIR, FAHA, FSVM. Neville is Associate Director of INOVA Schar Heart and Vascular, and System Chief of Vascular/Wound/Hyperbaric Services. He holds academic appointments as professor of medical education at the University of Virginia and is a clinical professor of surgery at George Washington University.

“AMP emphasizes a collaborative, multidisciplinary nature with excellent practical information discussed in a collegial setting by all the specialties involved in preventing the problem of amputation,” Neville said. “It is an issue which continues to grow in this country in a disparate manner, indicating the need for increased awareness of the problem and what we can do to prevent amputation.”

Wiechmann has worked in private practice for 26 years with Vascular & Interventional Physicians and has been elected Fellow in four different medical associations including the Society of Interventional Radiology, the Society of Vascular Medicine, the American Heart Association, and the Outpatient Endovascular & Interventional Society. He is a founding member and past president of the Outpatient Endovascular & Interventional Society.

“AMP has always been an outstanding example of true collaboration,” Wiechmann said. “The educational content on chronic limb-threatening ischemia and its treatment has always been on the leading edge. I’m honored to be one of the Course Directors for such an amazing educational event. To me, the real value and what I look forward to every year, is the interaction with experts in the field from all disciplines who help manage these patients. We all learn from each other.”

Educational Program

Neville and Wiechmann join a multidisciplinary, world-renowned team of vascular and endovascular experts serving as AMP’s 2024 Course Directors. In this role, they oversee an educational program designed for all clinicians involved in CLI patient care.

Presented by 65 expert faculty, AMP’s unequaled educational program includes new approaches and techniques for treating CLI through live case broadcasts and practical education, featuring hands-on workshops for real-world application.

New this year for deep vein arterialization (DVA) education is DVA Day, held Saturday, August 17. DVA Day is led by three renowned Course Directors: vascular and endovascular surgeon Miguel Montero-Baker, MD; interventional radiologist John H. Rundback, MD, FAHA, FSVMB, FSIR; and interventional cardiologist Fadi A. Saab, MD.

The full day of DVA programming includes fundamentals, patient selection and outcomes, and advanced tools and techniques. DVA Day is included with main conference registration or offered as a single-day event.

Other featured topics include:

  • The Patient Perspective: new for this year, a former patient will share his perspective on the efforts made to save his limb and the life-changing effects he has experienced since his treatment.
  • Cost/Payment/Reimbursement Guidance Talks
    Session 1: How to Address Insurance Denials for FDA-Approved CLI Therapies
    Session 2: CLI is Costly – How Can We Reduce Costs and Improve Patient Outcomes?
    Session 5: What is the Impact of Amputation as a Treatment for CLI? Economic Costs and Patient Consequences
    Session 12: DVA Reimbursement and Payment Horizons Roundtable
  • Complex Live Cases from the following sites: Ohio Health, Mount Sinai, and the Cardiovascular Institute of the South
  • Late-Breaking Data: Engage in cutting-edge discussion through dedicated programming on late-breaking trials and the latest technological advancements in CLI therapy
  • Hands-On Workshops: Now in a reception format on Friday evening, attendees can participate in expert-led, hands-on workshops that incorporate tibial ultrasound mapping with live models, atherectomy devices, complex lesion tools, and ultrasound-guided tibial access and intervention with cadaveric models.

The AMP program is further strengthened through partnerships with the CLI Global Society, Outpatient Endovascular and Interventional Society (OEIS), Society for Vascular Medicine (SVM), and more; as well as industry-supported sessions and a robust exhibit hall.

AMP is designed for all clinicians and industry interested in the treatment and prevention of CLI, including interventional cardiologists, vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, wound care specialists, podiatrists, nurses, vascular technologists, cardiovascular catheterization laboratory team members, and fellows/residents/students interested in this field.

For more information or to register, visit amptheclimeeting.com.


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