Sales Operations Manager Elizabeth McKee loves to go treasure hunting in her free time.
“Nearly all of my wardrobe is thrifted,” she said. “It is such a relaxing hobby for me to go treasure hunting in my free time.”
She has worked at HMP Global since 2019, and in her role as sales operation manager she assists all sales departments with the resources they need to optimize their campaigns.
“I work with a great group of women who make up the Sales Operations team,” she said. “Whether it’s pulling campaign metrics, analyzing site data or working directly with ad ops, it’s a great feeling to know that our team is a great resource to other parts of the company.”
Adjunct members of the team (who make frequent appearances on Zoom calls) are her 1.5-year-old lab puppy, Moose, and her husband, David. Outside of work, McKee enjoys going to concerts and sporting events (especially hockey and baseball games).
“I just really love my job and I am so happy that my role lets me meet more people within the company,” she said.
Thank you to Elizabeth for all that she brings to the HMP Global team!