In the six years Tim Windhorst has worked at HMP Global, his role has evolved and changed. “I’m a jack of all trades within information technology and digital services, with a focus on web development,” he said. “I’ve built and maintained many Drupal sites and features, especially our meeting marketing sites.” Outside of Drupal, he has also built and maintained the site, and he has also had experience in ad operations and digital services. In 2022 he had the opportunity to lead HMP Global’s software quality assurance initiative. “I am able to have a positive impact by seeking out, calling attention to, and helping to resolve software related issues before they are discovered by our users,” he said. “I do all of this while continuing to grow as a developer alongside an incredible team. Outside of work, he enjoys time spent with family, who he described as “my purpose, especially my two children Kristin and Tyler.” He also enjoys fitness, video games, technology, automotive, and applying his technical skills to volunteering in his community. Thank you, Tim, for all you do and for being part of the HMP Global team!