Members of the media employed by a recognized news organization, including freelancers who contribute to such organizations, are eligible to apply for press registration. To be eligible for press registration, media members in all categories must be directly involved in the creation of news content for organizations that meet these criteria:
NOTE: No more than 3 press badges will be issued per organization. The HMP Global Press Office reserves the right to deny press access or to impose further limitations on the number of badges issued as necessary.
Bloggers and Podcasters
Bloggers and Podcasters must apply for press credentials at least two weeks prior to the event start date.
Bloggers will receive press credentials on a case-by-case basis. Include a copy of photo identification (such as a driver’s license or passport)* and a copy of press identification (such as press credentials or a business card) or a statement about your blog’s intended audience and history. In addition, include copies of, or links to, two recent and relevant posts (posts demonstrating the blog’s coverage of topics in the same therapeutic area as the event). Finally, all blogs must demonstrate the dissemination of original, editorial news coverage and editorial freedom from advertisers and/or sponsors (single-sponsored blogs will not receive credentials; blogs with advertising must have multiple advertisers clearly identified).
Podcasters will receive press credentials on a case-by-case basis. Podcasters must include hosts and producers of podcasts that have been in existence for at least one year and regularly produce original audio content on topics relevent to the meeting. Podcasts must be hosted by a recognized news media outlet, scientific society, educational institution, government agency, or a non-profit organization. The HMP Global Press Office may grant press credentials to producers of independent podcasts not hosted by a media outlet or scientific institution/society, or those that have been in existence for less than one year, on a case-by-case basis.
Podcasters must present a link to the podcast homepage and a webpage or business card clearly showing their name and affiliation with the podcast. They must also provide a link to or screenshot of the podcast’s page on a major listening platform such as iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher or Spotify.
If the podcast is not hosted by a media outlet or scientific institution/society or has been in existence for less than one year, the HMP Global Press Office may ask for additional credentials and weigh a podcast’s monthly downloads, listener ratings and social media following in determining eligibility for registration.
*IDs are only used for verification purposes and are not distributed or retained by HMP Global.
Editorial staff who do not produce content
Editorial staff participating in the meeting for the sole purpose of editorial direction may apply for press registration but will be required to submit a letter from a designated organization official confirming that the staff member will be representing the organization for the sole purpose of editorial direction as well as a copy of the publication (electronic or hard copy). Non-content producing editorial staff is limited to one per organization.
Documentary Film Crews
Documentary film crews and video production companies must submit a written request to at least 30 days prior to the meeting that includes information about the company, the purpose of attending the meeting, a synopsis of the film/video/documentary project, and information on the editorial/financial supporters of the project.
Photographers/Videographers/Content Team Members
Photographers, videographers, and/or other members of a content team accompanying credentialed news outlets must submit an assignment letter with their registration that includes information about the total number of crew and specific role of each crew member. Photographer/videographer/content team registrations count toward the three registrations allowed per organization, and assignment letters must be on company letterhead.
Who Cannot Register for Press Credentials?
The following individuals are not eligible for press registration or interview space designated for use by registered press:
Please Note: HMP Global prohibits the development of CME content based on information presented at the event. CME writers and editors, and those writers and editors working on behalf of organizations that have written CME based on the event, are not eligible for press passes.
Activities not Allowed by Registered Press/Photographers/Videographers
Conference Access for Registered Press
Credentialed media have access to all general sessions and the exhibit hall. Access to ticketed events is restricted to paid ticket holders only.
Interviews with Faculty
Requests for speaker/faculty interviews should be coordinated through the HMP Global Press Office. Contact them at
Recording of Sessions
Hand-held audio recorders and still cameras are acceptable, assuming that intellectual property copyrights are respected. Registered media may take photos and audio record in the session rooms for the sole purpose of reporting accuracy with prior permission from the presenter. Filming of sessions is strictly prohibited. Photos and/or audio recordings must be captured in a non-disruptive manner so as not to disturb the presenter and other attendees. Flash photography, video recording, and live streaming of any meeting materials, including all presentations, are strictly prohibited.
Recording in Public Areas
To film in public areas, media must receive prior approval from the HMP Global Press Office. Video cameras must be pre-approved by the Press Office when press credentials are applied for before the meeting. Moving video recordings are limited to interviews with presenters/attendees; general B-roll and live video updates filmed outside of the exhibit hall and speaker sessions; and establishing shots. Any images from the meeting should be credited to the event.
Recording in Exhibit Hall
Exhibits may not be photographed or videotaped without express prior permission from the exhibitor and the HMP Global Press Office. Attendees who have questions about these media policies should contact the Press Office at
Copyright Policy
Reproduction of meeting materials and presentation slides requires first obtaining permission from the presenter(s), as well as from any individual or group that may hold copyright on the material. Members of the media violating copyright may have their press credentials denied the following year.
Meeting Coverage Promotion Guidelines
The official title of the event must be referred to as such in all editorial coverage. The HMP Global Press Office reserves the right to request promotional activities violating this policy be edited or removed. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the loss of press access at future meetings.
Use of Insignias/Logos
Event insignias and logos are proprietary marks. Use of these in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the written permission from the HMP Global Press Office. The use of insignias, logos and images that mislead the intended audience to believe that a piece or production is coming from the event is strictly prohibited and will result in the denial of future press access at future meetings.
How to Apply for a Press Badge
Applications for press access must be received no later than two weeks prior to the event start date. To apply for a press badge, members of the media should be prepared to provide the following:
NOTE: Members of the media who received credentials for the previous year’s meeting must submit bylined coverage from the meeting as in lieu of general work samples. (If meeting coverage is behind a paywall, a username and password to access the coverage must be provided. This information will only be used to verify eligibility and confirm post-meeting coverage.)
To apply for press access, please contact Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive confirmation of its approval or denial.
Frequently Asked Questions
HMP Global does not share, rent or sell the current or past list of registrants or media with attendees, exhibitors or their representative public relations and marketing agencies.
All registered press must always wear their badge so that staff can easily identify those who have audio/video/photography privileges. If you lose your badge, please visit the registration desk to have a new one printed. Any member of the press found to be requesting duplicate badges for transfer to an individual not approved by HMP’s Public Relations team will result in access being revoked at the current and future meetings.