Dr. Richard Neville

By Richard Neville, MD, FACS, DFSVS

AMP Course Director

AMP emphasizes a collaborative, multidisciplinary nature with excellent practical information discussed in a collegial setting by all the specialties involved in preventing the problem of amputation.

Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.”

This rings true in the fight against critical limb ischemia (CLI). If we want to preserve limbs and improve quality of life and outcomes for our patients, it is essential that different vascular and endovascular specialties collaborate.

At the 2024 Amputation Prevention Symposium (AMP), to be held August 14-17 in Chicago, we invite all members of the CLI care team to come together for an unrivaled educational experience on the latest advances in revascularization and the groundbreaking techniques that will improve the future for CLI patients. The program focuses on “Setting the ExAMPle: Together We Stand Against CLI.”

The work we do is critical. Research shows that more than 200 million adults worldwide have peripheral artery disease (PAD), and CLI — the end stage of PAD — accounts for an estimated 12% of adult PAD patients across the globe.

It is an issue which continues to grow in this country in a disparate manner, indicating the need for increased awareness of the problem and what we can do to prevent amputation. To address this, AMP emphasizes a collaborative, multidisciplinary nature with excellent practical information discussed in a collegial setting by all the specialties involved in preventing the problem of amputation.

Keeping together, our 2024 course directors developed an educational program designed for all clinicians involved in CLI patient care. AMP includes a full day of deep vein arterialization programming (including fundamentals, patient selection and outcomes, and advanced tools and techniques), the patient perspective, cost/payment/reimbursement guidance, hands-on workshops, complex live cases, and late-breaking data.

My sessions at AMP will all be held on Wednesday, August 14, and include:

  • Welcome remarks from 8:30 – 8:40 a.m., introducing patient Kyle Guthrie, and “Session 1: What is Success in CLI Treatment,” from 8:30 – 10 a.m.;
  • “Where Do We Stand With the CLI Epidemic,” from 8:40 – 8:50 a.m.;
  • “CLI Quality Metrics in 2024: The Focus is Changing,” from 11:30 – 11:40 a.m.; and
  • “When to Re-Intervene and When to Consider Surgery After Failed Endovascular Interventions,” from 5:08 – 5:16 p.m.

By building connections, learning from each other, and keeping a collaborative mindset, we can all work together for the benefit of our patients. 

I hope you will join us at AMP 2024. For more information or to register, visit amptheclimeeting.com.

Dr. Neville is Associate Director of INOVA Schar Heart and Vascular, and System Chief of Vascular/Wound/Hyperbaric Services. He holds academic appointments as professor of medical education at the University of Virginia and is a clinical professor of surgery at George Washington University.