Winston Wong

By Winston Wong, PharmD

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Clinical Pathways

At CPC+CBEx, we bring together stakeholders invested throughout the entire patient journey.

Cancer care is challenging.  

From a medical standpoint, technological advances are resulting in increased complexity in treatment, as well as a greater number of treatment options. Financially, cost trends are becoming unsustainable from a payer perspective.  

For patients, not only is cancer a stressful diagnosis, but also there is the added stress of the financial burden that their medical care could place on them and their families. 

To address these concerns, this year’s Clinical Pathways Congress + Cancer Care Business Exchange (CPC+CBEx) meeting, September 6-8 in Boston, will bring together industry leaders, health care providers, researchers, payment reform experts, and innovators to discuss advances in oncology care, reimbursement, and alternative payment and business models. 

Our goal is to revolutionize the cancer care arena by breaking down barriers and pushing the boundaries of how we deliver and pay for care.

There should be no disagreement that our health care system is fragmented. Continuity of care is minimal, and even when there are processes in place to support such continuity, the information is either uninterpretable, useless, or arrives too late to inform immediate treatment decisions. 

To improve clinical outcomes and patients’ quality of life, all stakeholders must work together to achieve the quadruple aims of delivering high-quality care, reducing unnecessary costs/making care more affordable, improving the patient experience, and supporting our healthcare service providers.

Key topics at this year’s Congress include:

  • Oncology clinical pathways programs;
  • The role of AI in oncology;
  • The significance of and barriers to effective clinical trial recruitment in the community setting;
  • The power and impact of vertical integration;
  • Trends in practice consolidation; and
  • Examining the Enhanced Oncology Model (EOM) from divergent perspectives.

This year’s Congress will highlight the latest research in oncology clinical pathways, celebrate oncology practice innovators, present best practices from care platform disruptors, and more.

As we strive to improve the provision of oncology care, clinical pathways will play an important role in controlling costs and optimizing outcomes. At CPC+CBEx, we bring together stakeholders invested throughout the entire patient journey. Our work reflects the continued need to balance cost and clinical perspectives without losing sight of the end goal: delivering the best patient care and optimizing outcomes.

I hope you will join me in Boston. For more information or to register, visit: